Potential Growth and Common Causes of Mold Growth
3/30/2018 (Permalink)
Molds are able to thrive indoors or out, provided the right moisture conditions exist.
These fungi disperse microscopic spores into the air, and they’re found almost everywhere. It’s important to quickly determine if any green or black mold found growing in the home is harmful, and if so, develop a remediation plan as soon as possible.
These are some of the situations which often lead to mold growth within a residential space:
- Leaks in your home’s water pipes;
- Excess moisture accumulating in a crawlspace or basement;
- Dampness resulting from wet weather and poor insulation, roofing problems, etc.
If evidence of this kind of growth is found in the home, it’s a good idea to have it tested promptly; visible molds frequently indicate more extensive growth in unseen locations. Remember that whether it’s green, gray or black mold, cleanup requires professional knowledge and equipment, so don’t attempt to tackle that moisture problem on your own. Visit http://www.SERVPROreading.com for more information on mold.